Using music to boost walking
beatMove improves the daily lives of people with Parkinson’s disease by encouraging entertaining physical activity through rhythmic synchronized music.

How does it work?
beatMove stabilizes and enegizes the way we walk

1. beatMove stabilizes walking
beatMove detects the person’s natural walking pace and provides rhythmic music that perfectly matches the alternating steps.

2. beatMove speeds up walking
beatMove subtly and dynamically accelerates the rhythm of the music, leading the person to walk faster and at a personalized pace, without even realizing it!
What about Science?
The close interaction between the musical rhythm and the biological rhythm has been established with the use of brain imaging techniques: Music activates the brain areas associated with the initiation and coordination of movement.
Without music
Freezing of motor control et Reactivation of motor control
With music
Reactivation of motor control
BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease
— Cochen de Cock et al. 2021
Special issue: "Parkinson's Disease: The musical rhythm to the rescue of the disease" (in french)
— Dalla Bella & Benoit, 2014.
Effects of musically cued gait training in Parkinson’s disease: beyond a motor benefit
— Dalla Bella et al. 2015

Available now
By becoming the first users, you allow us to orient our future developments according to your desires, and to refine as close as possible to your needs this first version already used in our clinical studies!
The strengths of beatMove
Thanks to the music and its natural effects on our body and our mood, beatMove brings a motivational boost to the practice of physical activities!
Thanks to our research and clinical studies conducted beforehand, we wanted to make the use of beatMove as easy as possible. Just turn on the sensors, launch the application and start walking!
beatMove takes care of the rest
Our first clinical trials have shown a real effectiveness of using beatMove on walking speed, and a reduction of the fear of falling for people with Parkinson’s.

Our users say it best
Very quickly my steps became longer and my arms swung, I was speeding up; it was incredible! I was enjoying walking. I enjoyed walking.
I enjoyed going for a walk, helped by the musical rhythm which allowed me to quickly find a normal walk. My freezing was clearly improved thanks to this technique.
For people with Parkinson’s disease who love music, the beatmove solution could improve the management of walking disorders and have a quick and obvious impact on daily life.
The beatMove scientific committee
beatMove is managed by a multi-talented team.
Valérie Cochen De Cock
Neurologist specialized in Parkinson’s disease at the Clinique Beausoleil (Aesio Mutualité) in Montpellier, France. Her goal with beatMove is to improve the quality of life of her patients and of all people struggling with the pathology. In 2021, she published, with the beatMove team, a paper in Frontiers entitled BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.
Benoît Bardy
Professor in Human Movement Sciences at the University of Montpellier and founder of the EuroMov research and innovation center. He is the instigator and coordinator of the European beatHealth project, which led to beatMove.
Charles-Étienne Benoit
PhD in psychology, he conducted a thesis entitled: Music-based gait rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease. Today, he continues his reseach in the field as a lecturer at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Loïc Damm
PhD in neurosciences, he devotes his research to the influence of auditory stimulations on locomotion at the IMT Mines Alès. In 2019, he published with the team Why do we move to the beat? A multi-scale approach, from physical principles to brain dynamics.
A supported project

beatMove originates from Beat_Health , initially a R&D project supported by the European Commission from 2013 to 2016 “Health and Wellness on the Beat” (FP7-ICT #610633).